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1 reports about (281) 385-8206

The number first reported 27th Oct, 2011
Received a phone call from (281) 385-8206? Report here
ccp22 27th Oct, 2011+0
I had been receiving this number as many as 3 times a day for 2 or 3 weeks. Today I finally called the number back and jumped them about leaving a recorded message about a debt and then if not answered going straight to voice mail. A woman that anwered said they were looking for someone named ____ White....couldn't understand the first name. When I said I was not that person and had this number about 4 months she assured me they wouldn't be calling any more. Now I'm waiting to see if that's true.

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Information about (281) 385-8206

CarrierGte-sw dba verizon sw inc. - tx
Other Formats: 2813858206, 281.385.8206, 281/385-8206
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